Nicholas Boulton Nicholas Boulton

AudioFile Golden Voice!

Big news this month. AudioFile Magazine has announced its three Golden Voice narrators for 2023, and one of them is … me! To say that I am honoured is an understatement. To quote AudioFile: “The Golden Voice distinction celebrates a voice artist’s iconic role in the field of narration and honors those who have made significant contributions to the audiobook art form. This lifetime achievement celebrates the stars of the narrating universe. Each year, AudioFile Magazine bestows the Golden Voice recognition as the highest honor in audiobook narration. AudioFile has recognized 47 voice artists over 30 years.”

To have been inducted into a select category of narrators that includes such iconic names as Derek Jacobi, Miriam Margolyes, Martin Jarvis, and Juliet Stevenson (to name only a few) is truly an honour for any narrator and is a testament to one's passion, talent, and dedication to the craft. It takes years of hard work and persistence to master the art of narration, and to be recognized for this effort is hugely gratifying.

So what makes a Golden Voice narrator? These are the rich, captivating voices that have told some of the most memorable stories of our time. They are the narrators that bring stories to life, the ones that make us forget our surroundings and draw us into the narrative. A skilled narrator has the power to evoke strong emotions and shape the listener's reactions. They can elevate the audiobook experience and make it an unforgettable one for the listener.

Recording an audiobook is often a very solitary experience, and it’s easy to forget, when one is hermetically sealed in a recording booth with the text scrolling away in front of one’s eyes, that there is a world of listeners out there hanging (one hopes!) onto every syllable uttered - so any recognition for the work one does is not only welcome, but so very reassuring.

Thank you, AudioFile Magazine!

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Nicholas Boulton Nicholas Boulton

Curtain Up!


Well, it’s been a looong time coming, but here it is - my very own website, jam-packed with everything you need to know about your favourite actor/voice artist. I’ll freely admit that I should perhaps have approached this a little earlier (like maybe the ‘90s?) but to be frank I was still getting my head around how to hill-start my steam computer, after filling it with the wrong grade of industrial coal.

Right now you are reading the very first entry of my very first blog, and here is where I will keep you abreast of what is currently happening in my professional life, peppered lightly with occasional personal insights and observations, and maybe even the odd recipe.. Any and all opinions expressed herein are my own and do not reflect the official line of any organisation or company that I may happen to be contracted by at the time. Don’t worry though, I reckon you are unlikely to be offended by anything I print here - I like to keep things positive and upbeat. I mean, let’s face it, modern life is chock-full of enough misery and contention without anyone else sticking an oar in. Phew.

And now, here is the news: This month I will be filming a fun little cameo for the latest season of Sky One and FX’s hit series “Breeders”. Can’t say more than that because spoilers, but there it is.

That’s all for now, but keep your head on a swivel - I do have some headline news coming next month (June) that I am very excited to share with you once the embargo has been lifted. Ooh.. Mysterious..

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